Valid and Reliable Results

All our services are certified with the International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015. The transport of biological samples from our partners' facilities is conducted by private vehicles, equipped with refrigerated chambers, applying all the rules of safe transport UN3373. The majority of our laboratory analyses are accredited with the International Accreditation Standard ISO 15189:2012 of the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD).

In all three stages (pre-analytical - analytical - post-analytical) of our laboratory analyses, our processes are carried out with a central focus on the reliability of the results.

On a daily basis and for each laboratory analysis, internal and external quality control is carried out using protocols of International Reference Centres (RANDOX, BIORAD, UK NEQAS, INSTAND EV).

The core of our functionality is our Quality Control and Scientific Support Departments.

Specialized physicians, Biopathologists and Health Scientists of various specialties ensure the systematic application of quality and accreditation protocols in the production of our laboratory's results.

Our goal is to provide maximum consulting support and keep our partners happy.


ISO 15189:2012

ISO 15189 is an International Accreditation Standard that specifies the set of requirements that a laboratory must meet, both in terms of technological competence, as well as in terms of quality control of all processes required to produce a test result. The fundamental principles of the standard are traceability, risk prediction and mitigation of the risk of error or failure.

Central Lab has one of the greatest ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No. 994) accreditations in the country, with a wide range of accredited laboratory analyses.


ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard for quality management and describes a management model that ensures the expected quality in services provided by an organization that always aim at customer satisfaction.

Central Lab’s Management, having as core and highest priority the provision of quality health services, applies quality policies that are controlled and certified also by the international quality standard ISO 9001:2015 (Certification Registration No. 041 16 0124, Certification Body TUV HELLAS).

With the above International Standards, Central Lab certifies all its processes in its Biological Material Laboratories and Administrative Services and also accredits a very large number of its laboratory analyses.